Rationalising Across and Within The Global Brand Marketing Operating Model

Hidden in the configuration of organizational structures, (lack of) processes, governance mechanisms, metrics, and reward systems, complexity costs of global brand marketing function amount to millions of euros every year.

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Brand Marketing Centralisation

Rather than having multiple national teams working with different vendors / agencies, having a centrally assembled team that runs global digital brand marketing operations saves both time and budgets. To prevent duplication of both work and costs we help clients initiate and drive sustainable movement of (digital) brand management from territories/local units to headquarter based teams.

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Workflow Digitisation

With creation of clear roles, steps and collaboration processes enforced through a tailored digital solution we help avoid misunderstandings, duplication and chaos in global to local execution which cost both money (agency overtime charges) and time (extra hours staff time). Digitised execution is benchmarked & continuously optimised.

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Data Driven Optimization Insights

As majority of branding operations are done through email chains data is lost and unrecorded in a systematic way. By introducing platform solutions at different departments/ stakeholders / workflows we're able to capture process data & generate insights to guide operational improvements of organisational execution.

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Role Refocusing

As time passes individual roles of global brand marketing professionals often get layered with an ever growing number of responsibilities, effectively blurring the lines between crucial and trivial. Roles' tasks are inspected and their priorities re-focused by removing non- value adding activities either thorough outsourcing to an external partner or digitisation.

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User Adoption

Successful digital transformation initiative drive a massive shift in human behaviour. To get rapid results and highest returns on digital investments we use several user adoption strategies to foster behaviour change and adoption of new - digital tool enabled ways of working.

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Digital Decoupling

Digital decoupling is a process where marketing and brand teams separate and work with different partners to complete creative and production activities. We move the implementation & adaptation to Balkan country based production hubs while creating tailored digital ordering & production relationship management process that simplifies & streamlines collaboration.

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Who is it for?

Global and international brand organisations facing a sharp decline in revenue due to coronavirus global pandemic who need to implement cost saving programs across an entire organisation. Central brand marketing teams who are asked to create significant budget cuts to meet organisational cost reduction targets. Professionals who know the importance of maintaining marketing activities during and post-crisis period.

Why is it needed?

Indiscriminate marketing budget cuts cripple the company's marketing and brand building capability, negatively impacting its sales and market share growth potential. This in turn prolongs its recovery period. Economising across and within the global brand marketing operating model will achieve same if not greater costs reduction, but as a result of a higher productivity, leaving the marketing capability mostly intact.

How do you benefit?

By reconfiguring brand marketing organisation's structures and operations, introducing more productive and cost savvy ways of working, you get best of both worlds. Cost reduction targets can be achieved, while avoiding the crippling effect on the external marketing capability that indiscriminate budget cost cutting would create. With new digital enabled structures, brand marketing model is leaner, faster and more resilient.

How is it done?

Rationalisation of brand marketing operating model starts with a scan of the current operations and organisational structures. Quick wins, medium and long-term optimization opportunities are identified within first week. Depending on the urgency of the cost-cutting measures implementation, proof of concept or pilot project is drafted and implemented. Following the successful completion, economisation is rolled out further.

How much does it cost?

Total cost of the rationalisation program is tailored to an individual company's needs and brand marketing operating model size. Structure of the costs are divided into fixed and variable costs. Namely, aside of the initial scan and (any) digital solutions implemented, our fee will be entirely success based. For every 10% percentage of cost reduction we'll charge a success fee. Both time and money savings are taken into consideration.

How much can you save?

The size of cost reduction will depend both on the individual complexity of global brand marketing operating model, as well as the scope and depth of economisation program. However, taking into account that just the process of digital decoupling - moving part of digital marketing production to lower cost location yields between 30-60% budget savings, it is safe to say at least 30% cost reduction on average can be achieved.

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Rationalising The Global Brand Marketing Operating Model


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